The Urgency of First Aid at Work for UK Businesses

What is the difference between First Aid at Work (FAW) and Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)?

First Aid at Work Training

  • Comprehensive training covering a wide range of injuries and illnesses.
  • Suitable for businesses with higher risks or larger workforces.
  • In-depth training that qualifies individuals to be designated workplace first aiders.
  • Includes CPR, AED usage, and handling major injuries.

Emergency First Aid at Work Training

  • Shorter course focusing on immediate response to critical situations.
  • Ideal for low-risk workplaces or smaller businesses.
  • Provides basic first aid skills to manage emergencies until professional help arrives.
  • Covers CPR, basic wound care, and managing unconsciousness.

Case Study: A Paradigm Shift in Workplace Safety

We talked to a CEO to explore how their experience shifted their approach to workplace safety…

Q. Can you share a bit about your company’s journey regarding workplace safety?

Absolutely. Like many businesses, we used to view workplace safety as a compliance requirement. It wasn’t until a near-miss incident opened our eyes to the importance of having qualified first aiders on-site.

Q. How did the incident change your perspective?

The incident was a wake-up call. We realised that having employees trained in first aid could mean the difference between life and death in an emergency. That’s when we decided to prioritise comprehensive first aid training for our staff.

Q. How has implementing first aid training impacted your workplace?

It’s been a game-changer. Not only do our employees feel safer and more confident, but the overall work environment has improved. Knowing that we are well-prepared to handle emergencies has boosted morale and productivity.

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